Meals on Wheels needs individual items for the snack bags
that are delivered with the meal.
* Packages of peanut butter crackers * Individual fruit cups/applesauce
* Little Debbie oatmeal cakes * Individual packages of cookies
There will be a table in the foyer of the church for drop-off.
Thank you for helping with this mission.
Meals on Wheels is a program run by the Ouachita Council on Aging. They deliver hot meals 5 days a week to seniors in the parish who live alone or who are not able to prepare meals for themselves. A group of 10 churches and one business rotate delivering on the weekends. We have participated for at least 10 years. Five times a year a group of us meets in the kitchen on a Saturday morning to assemble meals. We have 7 routes in Monroe and West Monroe. Volunteers bake cakes, do the shopping, prepare the main course, assemble lunch bags that contain extras so that the folks will have some food for Sunday, as well as fill the lunch plates. We usually serve about 100 meals.
Contact the Meals on Wheels Coordinator Penny Bivens text or call her at 318 537-1606. Thank you for all that you continue to do to make this program a success!
We need kitchen help, cakes, and delivery drivers. As always thank you for helping to feed those in need.
Contact the Meals on Wheels Coordinator Penny Bivens text or call her at 318 537-1606. Thank you for all that you continue to do to make this program a success!
We need kitchen help, cakes, and delivery drivers. As always thank you for helping to feed those in need.